Luna Plastic Surgery and Medical Spa logof
Luna Plastic Surgery and Medical Spa logof

Our Star Patient – June

Conveniently located to serve Johns Creek, GA, , & .

Our “Patient of the Month” for June is a 41 year old female patient who is an active mom of 2 children. She underwent abdominoplasty with liposuction of the flanks, liposuction of the inner thighs, inner arms, and abdomen. She has lost 25 lbs after her procedures along with making better food choices and has committed to doing Zumba 3 times a week. She feels better than ever and has a new outlook on life!  See the before and after photos here >

With an abdminoplasty, minimal activity is advised the first week after surgery and typically patients can return to work (non strenuous) 2 weeks after surgery. More strenuous activity is permitted 4-6 weeks after surgery and sometime around the 8th week, all activities can be resumed. Biocorneum is a cream advised to help reduced scaring. Scars will fade and flatten between 3 months and 2 years after surgery. It is important that the compression garment be worn as instructed during the post-op period for a smooth recovery.

To learn more about abdominoplasty and the different options available in Atlanta, please call Dr. Patricia Yugueros for a private consultation or send us your questions.